Prof Elliptic Machine is good for that people, who want to make faster the body fat burning in their “ problem areas”. This equipment is the elliptical cardiovascular equipment or the treadmill, that are embedded in the capsule with the low pressure. This equipment, combining the motion and vacuum, helps to reduce the abdomen, buttocks, legs value and make better the condition of the skin with cellulite.
Because of the law pressure the body fat burning speeds up at 400% while training. You don`t need to train hardly, opposite load should be moderate. Your pulse shouldn`t be more than 121-130 beats per minute, duration of the training should be 25-30 minutes. Prof Elliptic Machine includes pressure sensors inside the vacuum – 3 automatic programs and manual setting.
Long-lived in use:
Modern design:
Safety and comfort:
Quality check according to European standards:
It excludes the overload of the organism and provides comfort during the training