“TONUS-CLUB” is a healthy business!

Correct positioning in the market, a healthy desire to make money, the ability to see and draw conclusions ultimately gives its positive result in business. And correct and gradual development helps not only to survive, but also to feel great and even make money in difficult times.
Earn not only ourselves, but also provide such an opportunity to others, as is done by the company “TONUS-CLUB”, in times of covid-crisis, actively developing simultaneously three areas of business: selling a franchise, supplying equipment and managing a network of its own clubs.
WHAT HAS IT ALL STARTED WITH? – recalls Irina Chirva, one of the two founders of the “TONUS-CLUB” company.
– Of course, from the search for an idea. At a time when fitness clubs were actively developing, we decided to open a sports club, but not like all existing ones, wellness had not yet appeared in Russia, in fact, we stood at its origins and thereby participated in the formation of a new product category. They approached the development of the concept systematically, studied the existing market, equipment, consumer demand, conducted several studies, and, since there were no examples of such a business, they thought through everything down to the smallest detail.
TONUS-CLUB® is different from a fitness club. There is no smell of adrenaline and no desire to test the capabilities of your own body. We can say that this is fitness for the lazy, when simulators and equipment do all the work for you. In fact, the same result is achieved with a minimum of effort, – notes Irina Chirva, – Today wellness has become one of the main trends in the beauty and sports industry. The cult of a beautiful body fades into the background. The fast pace of life and the level of stress change our approach to ourselves. Now we tend to choose comfort and activities that help us not only to keep fit, but also to relax, relieve stress, and improve our well-being. This is exactly the need that TONUS-CLUB satisfies. We developed quickly, as we were ready for change, we were not afraid to experiment
“It’s time to wake up and see the truth: women are the main buyers of almost everything in the world,” while American management guru Tom Peters calls for this in theory, the owners of the “TONUS-CLUB” put it into practice by opening clubs only for women.
We staked on the largest and most solvent audience – women aged 25 and over. This audience is also promising because the demand for body shaping services in this part of society is high and far exceeds the supply: fitness clubs are more aimed at young people, and not every woman will fall under the knife and salon injections.
They decided to make the club cozy, intimate and exclusively for women; a place where a woman feels comfortable and uninhibited, she can afford to become herself for a while, quite earthly and ordinary.
The format turned out to be in demand, and when in 2003 we opened the first TONUS-CLUB, we had so many clients that there was nowhere for an apple to fall in the club, people even came from the suburbs, so in six months we already opened a second club.
The relevance of services and the demand for the format did not go unnoticed by entrepreneurs. The number of those wishing to find out the “secret of the company” and test the formula for the success of the “TONUS-CLUB” company grew so quickly that we started thinking about selling the franchise. True, at that time this line of business in our country was just beginning to develop actively, and the owners of the Tonus Club company had to master a lot on the go.First, they began to contact us regarding the purchase of equipment, we opened a new direction and also became a trading company. Today, in St. Petersburg alone, there are more than 40 clubs with similar equipment. However, for many of our customers, the clubs worked ineffectively and the turnover was much lower. Analysis of the situation showed that the main reason for this is the lack of consistency in the organization and management of the enterprise and, as a consequence, a large number of “basic” errors. We again decided to diversify our business – this time towards franchising. In many ways, the idea of selling the TONUS-CLUB franchise, which we began to implement in 2005, helped us to solve this problem.
At that time, franchising in Russia was practically in its infancy, there was no legislation, and there was very little information. TONUS-CLUB became one of the first domestic franchises. We approached the formation of a franchise as methodically as we did with the development of a concept, we studied the franchising market in Russia and the world. For me personally, the ideal of the franchise has always been and remains the McDonald’s franchise.
Despite the fact that the TONUS-CLUB brand works with a female audience, a systematic approach to business has made our franchise attractive for men, who make up 80% of the company’s franchisees.

WHAT WE SELL to our franchisees? – Irina Chirva continues.
– First of all, know-how. We sell a way of making a profit without much effort and positive emotions. We sell our experience, the best that we have been able to achieve in the search for the optimal business model. We have formed the Franchise Package and the System based on the analysis of the world’s most successful franchises. Therefore, we provide not only the right to use the TONUS-CLUB brand, a developed corporate identity, a document management system and the opportunity to participate in network promotions. The main thing is that we offer author’s methods of organizing the work of an enterprise, which we describe in manuals and textbooks, separately created for owners, managers, instructors and administrators of the club, we even shoot special training films. TONUS-CLUB is easy to organize. The system allows, if desired, to open a club even two months in advance.
WHAT IS ATTRACTIVE FOR THE TONUS CLUB FRANCHISE? It is interesting from several points of view at the same time.
Firstly, the niche is still free, the service is so unique that it is easy to work on the market, no one needs to be pushed with your elbows, there are almost no competitors. Today, finding an unoccupied niche is a great success for an entrepreneur. Secondly, in difficult times, a woman always compensates for the stress by taking care of herself, her own appearance and health, reducing the cost of travel, going to restaurants and the cinema, the average price category of goods and services of the beauty industry is now more stable and even feels a slight increase in demand.
Thirdly, the basis of the business is the unique equipment created on the basis of the latest achievements and developments in the field of beauty and health.
Fourth, the business is very rewarding. Clients of TONUS-CLUB experience a lot of positive emotions, they get in shape, feel much better, and this is just the beginning. Then a woman develops self-confidence, and a self-confident woman can do a lot: to climb high up the career ladder and arrange her personal life well. For their success, our clients are grateful to us, I send feedback, bring friends, dedicate poems, bring children’s drawings, there are always fresh flowers at the reception. In the clubs we managed to create a relaxed, almost homely atmosphere, in which it is very pleasant to be, to study, to communicate. Our clients talk about their achievements, are friends with each other. It’s nice to know that your business is not only profitable, but also brings a lot of positive emotions to your customers. That is why I love my job.
What does a franchisee get when buying a TONUS-CLUB franchise? He buys the right, or rather, the opportunity not to think. Don’t think about how to get new clients and keep old ones. Also, buying a franchise allows you not to think about the crisis, but to work and earn money.
FOR THE COMPANY’S DEVELOPMENT, many franchisors choose the strategy of expanding their own network and selling franchises at the same time. On the contrary, we stake on the opening of clubs exclusively through the franchising system, our own clubs for us are, first of all, exemplary clubs and an experimental platform. We have two own clubs of different formats – relatively speaking, compact and more spacious. We offer the same two options for organizing the club to our franchisees. All ideas and techniques are first tested here, and only then are they recommended to the franchisee, because the experiment cannot be carried out “in the mind”, everything is tested in practice. Last year, we actively worked on the formation of several options for a range of services (equipment), at the moment the range is fully equipped and, according to our estimates, will remain relevant for another two or three years – which means that right now is a very good moment to enter net. , from this point of view, is also successful.

RELATING TO THE CRISIS, we did not freeze and take a wait-and-see attitude, instead of reducing staff – we are expanding our staff by attracting new professionals to our ranks, instead of cutting costs – we are investing in innovative projects. In this situation, we have created the most acceptable conditions for our partners. We kept prices, deliberately lowering the level of profit; began to provide some financial benefits for those who do not have all the necessary amount, etc.
TONUS-CLUB is an easy way to beauty and health, as well as to your well-being! Join us!